236, chemin Gai Versant,83500 La Seyne. Courriel : associationgaiversant@gmail.com
vendredi 29 mai 2009
La Fête des voisins
En première page sur Var Matin : le Gai Versant est photogénique !
Ce fut une belle soirée ! Sans trop de vent !
Nous avons reçu avec plaisir notre Adjoint de quartier, M. Christian Bianchi et sa secrétaire.
La discussion a été animée mais chaleureuse...
A l'année prochaine.
1 commentaire:
a dit…
i without a doubt enjoy all your writing type, very remarkable. don't give up and also keep writing as it just simply worth to follow it, looking forward to browse through more and more of your articles, enjoy your day ;)
1 commentaire:
i without a doubt enjoy all your writing type, very remarkable.
don't give up and also keep writing as it just simply worth to follow it,
looking forward to browse through more and more of your articles, enjoy your day ;)
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